Hi there I am back again to share with you the new kitchen table that I bought!
Firstly the table I finished in December did not end up staying in our kitchen, I have two wonderful Autistic men that I love more than words would let me tell you; however they are both 6'4" and 6'5" and one of them is not slim in fact we are both working hard at losing weight together which is a ton of fun - perhaps!
Anyhoo, back to the table; with the chairs around it we really couldn't walk around the kitchen freely we kept knocking the chairs around, so we went off to IKEA and bought a smaller table, which I really like. I decided to paint the legs my favorite color Pink and the cross bars White and I vanished the table top as my precious Mr. A loved the pine wood, so here it is as you have seen the chairs match and I am so happy with it all it came together so well - I think! 😊
Tell me what you think in the comments!
Love and Hugs to you all.💞💞💞
Well, Hi there! I have been very busy panting and sanding and painting and stenciling our new chairs and having fun doing it! I saw them on the side of the road at a cleanup the shire council does twice a year, and I thought I might as well have a go at reinventing them. I must say I am happy with how they are turning out! My precious Mr. A has helped by fitting new seats to them as I removed the old ones; a big thank you to him for all he does in helping me make our little house a home.
I have bought material to sew some seat covers but that is for another day!
Here are some before and after photos, I hope you like them let me know - I love your comments!!! 💞💞💞💞(Mr A. here. I haven't completed the seats yet. Every time I try to work on another one, something else intervenes. The last 'interruption' was deploying insect 'bombs' throughout the house to kill unwanted insects, not that I can think of any insects you would actually want in a house!) I love You!!!
The Before!
The After!