Saturday, July 27, 2024


My Sourdough starter is ready and raring to go! 
I think I may feed it and then have a Grammy Nap and then bake some Bread!🍞It's so exciting to watch for weeks on end and now it's paying off!
I love Baking so very much!

Sunday, June 9, 2024


So life can throw curved balls sometimes, we came to the hospital for me to have an appointment with my Oncologist and while I was at the appointment our dear Joshua had a fall and now we are in the emergency department. My precious Son is not to happy he has a headache and feels a tad upset to be here - darn double vision!

On the other hand my results came back and they are all good and clear we are praising our Abba!


Friday, June 7, 2024

πŸ‡Menu TimeπŸ‡

Sabbath - Roast Lamb & Veggies 

Sunday -  Ham & Cheese Toasties

Monday - Shepherd's Pie & Veggies 

Tuesday - Beef Wellington's  & Veggies 

Wednesday - Toasties 

Thursday - Steak Sandwich & Chips

Friday - Homemade Pie & Veggies 

Sabbath - Ham & Cheese  Croissants

Sunday - Spaghetti Bog & Veggies 

Monday - Leftovers 

Well now that is done, I can rest assured that my week is off to a good start! It will be interesting to see if I stick to it!😊I love having a menu plan do you and what is on your menu this week?


Saturday, June 1, 2024

♥️The Cupboard♥️

Day 1
So I have been working on our appliances cupboard today, so I have everything in one place! I am so happy with it I am looking forward to having order in my kitchen. 

Next is to finish the Pantry and buy the doors for both the appliances cupboard and Pantry.

Day 2

So today I got up and decided to finish some of the cupboard and I am loving how it is coming - thank you Yeshua!


Thursday, November 10, 2022

🌹Restart My Home🌹

Well just of late let's say 5 years, I have been looking after both my precious Mama and Daddy with many medical problems. Sadly Mama went Home to Jesus about 2.5 years ago. However, although I have gotten lots of renovating done in the past on our little Home, I have fallen back badly with the day to day cleaning. I have learnt I am indeed only human and I get sick and worn out if I am the only one taking care of our Home!

I have also had my Precious Hubby in and out of hospital  - not nice at all. Josh has been fitting a lot due to worrying about his Grandpar, so life has very busy put all that together with us all having Covid and me having Long Covid - WOW what a time! Then sadly we had to move our Darling Daddy into a nursing home (we have been so blessed to get a really good one - not for profit is the way to go) but it is still so hard to deal with seeing Daddy so distressed. He has dementia and can nolonger live on his own or drive😭it has been a huge job getting everything done wrapped up and dealt with, it has taken us about 7 weeks of working every"" week day - bar one. However as sad as it is; it is wonderful to be able to do this for our sweet Daddy and know it is now coming to an end!

He is safe and now happy!

Praise God! Now these are the before photos I am looking forward to showing off the after ones. I pray God's riches blessings on everyone with much love Jilly.


Monday, March 28, 2022

πŸ’—πŸ’Our Veggie GardenπŸ’πŸ’—

I bought some seeds for this corn and I can't wait to plant it and watch it grow! They are so pretty they remind me that God loves colourful and beautiful things!

These are our free potatoes they had not been harvested last year so we shall harvest this year! 

Well here are our Peas coming up and growing strong I can't wait the harvest them latter in the year!

This is our little veggie garden it has Tomatoes, 3 different kinds of Lettuce, Celery, Red Capsicum and Marigolds in order to stop some bugs!

And this is the start of the strawberry patch today I bought a bale of straw so I will lay some of it down tomorrow. I also want to plant some more seedlings so they can get stronger before I plant them out!

Well, this is the start of our Veggie Garden, an adventure that I am so grateful for and a delightful journey that I know I will enjoy so much! I am hoping and praying for a good crop to dehydrate, can, freeze and eat! Tomorrow I shall also fix the retic and sort out some of my shed.
With tons of Love!